
Wild Nature Sri Lanka Logo

Your Donations Help Us Move Forward

Your Help Always Goes for a Good Deed

Thank you for choosing to support Wild Nature Sri Lanka. Your generous contribution helps us in our mission to conserve and protect the unique wildlife and ecosystems of Sri Lanka.

Why Donate?

When you donate, you join us in protecting Sri Lanka’s wildlife. Your support is like the heartbeat of our mission – saving, teaching, and promoting sustainability for everyone’s benefit.

Protecting Wildlife

Your donation plays a crucial role in protecting the rich wildlife of Sri Lanka, from majestic elephants to vibrant bird species.

Habitat Conservation

We're dedicated to keeping natural homes safe, making sure plants and animals can flourish in their own spaces.

Environmental Education

We believe in the power of education. Your contribution helps us raise awareness and foster a deep appreciation for Sri Lanka's wildlife.

Sustainable Practices

Our goal is to blend community needs with nature preservation using sustainable practices.

 Your support, no matter how modest, genuinely makes a meaningful impact, and we are always extremely grateful for it.

The wildlife is what we live; the life that she gave. Love Mother Nature, and she will love you back unconditionally.

Dileepa Basnayake – Founder Wild Nature Sri Lanka

How to Donate

Use the provided bank details to make a direct transfer from your bank account to ours.

Donate today and become a guardian of Wild Nature Sri Lanka! Together, we can make a lasting impact on the conservation landscape of this beautiful island.

Wild Nature Sri Lanka

Join us in our mission to ensure a sustainable future for both wildlife and the communities that coexist with them.

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